Spectra7 mentionedhttps://industrialnews.co.uk/sfp-sfp-dd-qsfp-qsfp-dd-osfp-pluggable-interconnects-a-2021-update/ Newer telecom applications section. There has been discussion on the merits of using 1 meter long 24/26AWG twin-axial QSFP224 cables for short passive reach. Also, a strong look at Active Copper cables is going to achieve longer reaches. Recently, Spectra7 announced their new PAM4 112G per lane reach extender, active and tiny chip GC1122, which will be commonly embedded in QSFP112, QSFP-DD112, and OSFP112 cable plugs, which support 400G and 800G four-meter long Links using 200mW per lane. Active Copper 112G cables may become 50% of the TAM usage versus Passive or AOC type.