Debt not so bad A large amount of debt may not be as bad as it looks if the company is generating the cash flow to comfortably pay off that debt on schedule or ahead of schedule. Also, because of accounting rules, major assets may be listed on the balance sheet at substantially less than their actual value... the company is making bank haha they have a huge backing and the debt my friend isn't 600million, I'm seeing a 200million give or take... all debt isn't bad, they've been struggling like a lot of the other players and ultimately oil and gas are going to be taking a boom here in Alberta especially! So realistically, if you're patient and hold tight, this whole thing will be but a dream when you look at the price... a large portion of shares were bought at .9-.12 there were some strong signals for support and there was an obvious sell off.. BUT no one had as much time to get in exactly when they wanted to trade this stock.. a lot of the profit takers were a narrow margin of people making off with there gains from .5 and below.
In closing, all this noise is a bit much for something that has a huge upside, it's quite a cheap stock and I'm sure some big whales put some money down today because they know some shots about to head north(: