If I were in China shoes right now....Hello all,
Knowing what we know in regards to rare earth & some mining minerals (scarcity), their future value in what would be a technological future revolution some people are building and have in store for all of us (EV, energy storage, green technologies, etc).
Knowing that most countries have decided to proceed with some inventories of their resources and have started to come forward with National plans to protect them
If I were a Chinese polit-buro comrade, I would definitively be on a buying spree buying of all sorts of mine across the globe and expand as fast as I can and increase my monopoly over them. They already have almost 50% of all rare earths exploitable of the planet right now. They started rationning the sales of them to Japan for example.... Imagine what they could do if....
Would I be surprised if they offer $10/share (or more?) for NOU to buy them over? Not at all! We will become the largest deposit/ready/ commerciable in Occident!
Remember that!