MORIARTY GIVES DSI - IT'S 14!Mr. Moriarty is a big supporter of using the DSI as a tool in his investment decisions - that's "daily sentiment index" for people like you, Old Fox.
DSI is published by some guy, Bernstein. It's a paid service (about 1,900.00 per year) - see the following link:
I was curious about how Bernstein actually compiles his numbers on a daily basis, but I see no information on his website. Probably proprietary?
If the DSI percentage reading on your index or commodity is high, then that means that sentiment is high and that the stock has reached, relatively speaking, a high. If it's low, the opposite is true.
Mr. Moriarty reportedly said the DSI on gold is 14 as of yesterday.
For the benefit of people like Old Fox, on a scale of 0-100, 14 is LOW.
So, the suggestion is that people would do well to buy GOLD.
Personally, I think people are temporarily moving into Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, which have NO fundamental value (per the Johns Hopkins professor guy). He's right; cryptocurrency pays no interest and therefore has no value other than irrational exuberance. Gold, on the other hand, has been around for ....... a LONG time, and has held value. When people figure out crypto has no fundamental value, they will move back into the tried-and-true safe haven, prescious metals, gold, Texas Tea!
What better way to buy gold than invest in Novo Resources!
[Eric Sprott's physical gold trust is another one I'm in too - they have the gold with the Canadian Royal Mint to back up each share of this closed-end fund (Symbol PHYS). I also have money in Sprott's physical silver trust (PSLV).]
I could refer to Old Fox's pretty pictures and advice to make my investment decisions, but he only gives those AFTER the horse race, not before. I have absolutely NO use for somebody who won't advise me which horse to bet on BEFORE the race. Mr. Moriarty has the courage to share his wisdom - courage that is is engrained in his personal character. Good stuff.
I think I'll go with Mr. Moriarty, his scholarly articles, and the DSI. Let's see how THAT works out, as opposed to somebody who has to have a pill case, for every day of his hourly doses.