It’s all in the numbers! Watching the video regarding the selection of the two projects by PREPA/FOMB Natalie says several times that NONE of the projects met the pricing for the Fiscal Plan. Yet in her letter regarding Jeff dated Jan. 2 she acknowledges that he did lower the price to .0884 just not in time for the FOMB 'Determination'. This number does meet the Fiscal Plan she mentioned several times, according to Jeff. Of course if other companies lowered their prices as Jeff suggested they did, their lower pricing also was not considered. So a lower price was on the table for them to approve, as Jeff has been saying, but they chose not to accept it because it was not submitted on time. Therefore Natalie's rant about none of the projects falling into the fiscal plan is disingenuous at best and she makes it sound like it was a gift for FOMB to approve the 2 projects even though they didn't meet fiscal objectives. Seems that the Governor is 100% pro renewables and would be livid if he knew that Natalie rejected a lower price due to a late submission. Then of course the interconnection numbers are stated for a 160MW project instead of the 80 so yeah, as Jeff has stated 'we got screwed'. The Governor was pissed that only 2 projects were approved and its surprising to me that he doesn't know or didn't confront the FOMB with the lower priced options which certainly should have been discussed. Maybe everyone on the board here knew this, but I needed to see the numbers for myself and put the pieces of the puzzle together. I understand shareholder frustration but wish I would have looked more closely for myself and watched the FOMB decision before I posted yesterday out of frustration. Jeff could not have known that PREPA/FOMB were playing with funny numbers and am confident this will find resolution. So we actually did have the lowest $/kWh and interconnection costs for an 80mw project (maybe2nd?). Does anyone else see any other issues with our project that may have hurt our ranking? Perhaps we didn't 'play the game' or they wanted to prove to Jeff that his project wasn't #1 as he stated many times to them, but I don't believe these issues can stand the light of day. We have truth on our side and I encourage Jeff to continue the fight!