RE:Bac0n just doubled down on Crypto CompaniesMan you are a bit much. Even if what you are saying is true, no one cares!!!! Congratulations!!! Everyone on here I am sure has made money!!! But bragging, calling people losers is ridiculous. Looking at all your brilliant moves, reminds me of a child playing with his dinky for the first time. Has no idea what to do!!! Lol every stock you mentioned was in bitcoin!!! So what happens when it goes to 10 thousand???? Poofs on my cigar and flips threw a magazine... (goof) Your not Hugh Hefner bud. Good thinking out all your money in 1 sector!!! Lol Good planning!!!! See how that plays out for you. Bitcoin could hit 100 thousand, but it can go a lot lower to!!!! I believe this tool is an easy block!!