A new company make mistakes, learn & change No bad review is a good thing. A new company always makes many mistakes, and good companies learn from those mistakes and improve their services. Collection sites are only about three months old, a young company making mistakes. Also, in an industry with very high demand and expectations. No one wants to stand in the lineup, everyone wants a result sent the same day. Collection sites as a new company do not have that many resources to meet the demand. Especially when a new company is trying to figure out how many people are coming for testings. How many staff people they need at collection sites and in the lab to offer the best services. Slowly, they will get better. https://a.flexbooker.com/widget/67a9bda2-bd71-43cb-aead-9015cb033887?locationId=20853#bookFixed
You can see they are learning and making changes. Most of the complaints were s for PCR results times and now testbeforeyougo.com says "please confirm turnaround times first. Result times are not guaranteed." That is before you make an online booking. Some complaints were about small cubes instead of the big office. Collection sites have cubes pictures and written on the websites and in the news. So, complaining about cubes instead of offices is not justified. It seems to solve staff not behaving problem, collection sites started hiring managers.
In the last webinar, Medivolve said they have about 200k customers that mean about 200k test done. So, percentage-wise these complaints are not a big part of all performed tests. In any case, collection site management needs to look into these complaints and make needed changes to stay a trusted company.