RE:RE:RE:It's just so tempting,..
Oh yeah, And I remember chicken farmer days "I am going go to the dugout and get a bigger bat".
Ya well, I prefer "Death by a Thousand Cuts". Ya know?
Dhorties! I got my sights on you! here and elsewhere's. Weez is gonna have some funz daze.
Gonna enjoy watching you squirm.
Yup, I hold a grudge.
canader wrote:
I am just a regular retail investor,..that has been raised to action.
The Dhorties pissed me off with their fake news/fud stock bashing and market manipulation. I put together a game strategy to take them on. And I have won in spades. Don't get down on me because I don't feel like waiting around passively while someone screws around with my investment. I FIGHT back. I will milk those Fockers till they have nothing left.
They have been paying by the bucket load for pissing me off. They will continue to do so. That is justice to me.
Nothing wrong with throwing some emotion into your investing IF you can channel that energy into your wallet :)
I prefer to just sit back and be a passive investor, but I got game when needed. Just sayin.
For the market to be in balance,... every Dhortie out there needs to meet a ME!.
GLTA cept the Dhorties of course!
thinkyourmoney wrote:
Yes,you keep whacking them Dhorties by Jeez.
Forgive those who understand what you do and don't give you a thumbs up.
You are this stock's Robinhood and Reddit.
I know the corporation is taking advantage of the stock being kept low in price but at some point they need to reward the shareholders who are standing by.
I was going to suggest they should reward you but I know the whack a dhortie process is already doing that.
GLTA except the dhorties!