Thoughts on Q1 We are now 66% of the way thru Q1. Lets see whats in store for the next quarterly report. The biggie will likely be POG, down from $1914 last quarter to perhaps $1740 average , or a 10% reduction. Days in the Q1 will only be 90 vs 91/92 in other quarters so another reduction there in produced ounces.
Covid will still be an isue with associated costs as per shown in Q4 report. Snow removal costs and other winter inefficiencies wont start to lift untill Q2. Looks like significant increases in development and drilling are anticipated. Say 3% increase.
The other biggie will be mill heads. Being optimistic , these will stay constant as per Q1 , at 8.9 grams per tonne but conversely a drop to the 2020 average of 8.5 might be more conservative.
So unless they REALLY ramp up the tonnes thru the mill , the financials wont look great. Time to start thinking of buying puts again perhaps