RE:Brutal to WatchI don't expect any major share price appreciation in the next few months to a year unless the market suddenly tunes into the story which hasn't happened even though we are in a bull copper market. This leads me to believe we are not gonna be able to benefit from this hot market for this year anyway. I understand that they are working out the hiccups but it's happening at a snails pace. Perhaps if they kept in close contact with Florence and shared notes earlier on some of the issues could have been resolved quicker. It seems like every little issue they come into takes forever to fix and when fixed the market doesn't even care anyway. Let's just get this thing running smooth and sell it. It's eventually gonna happen I just hope we are not sitting at $2 copper when that time comes. As I said I am starting to relocate some of my current holding into other investments as I am just getting bored and judging by the share price others are also selling. I am tired of waiting. I invest in companies to make money not to sit in the same spot for years on end. For the financing does anyone remember what the last ones were done at? I'm not sure but it seems like we raised $ at similar levels before when we weren't even close to this stage of the company and CU prices where much lower. This also raises questions as the copper market is rallying the company has advanced and we are doing financing on terms that don't seem that great imo. Frustrated long time shareholder here. 10 + years in this company and sad to say I have just about had it.