First Quarter 2021 Financial CallListened to the call. Although everybody expected a big bang yesterday I still believe it is coming in the spring, May time frame give or take a month... actually the next financials due around June 1st will tell the tale. Given the present global pandemic they held their own and they are taking steps to mitigate its impact.
All the pieces are being put in place, backlog as of December 2020 was $23 M (based on PowerPoint presentation available on their website), yesterday the figure was up to $30 M (presentation should be on the website shortly). Gross margins are up and yes the loss was up slightly from last year but the gross margins are going up.
Their partners are heavy weight in the industry and they have a vested interest in Eguana. Furthermore with the new administration in the US the focus on green technology and renewables will take center stage and given the situations in California (forest fires with rolling black outs) and Texas (winter storm that crippled the grid) it may be the push needed to go in the big leagues.
Just my thoughts.