We need more retail investors to take a dip back into cannabis. It is why I believe without any real news coming from Supreme it will likely be the next quarterlys that finally start to move this stock. Multiple successive increased quarterly retail sales should do it... I have mentioned previously that I know people who won't invest in cannabis until there is more clarity and firmer numbers. I believe there are a lot of people in that boat. Best we can do if we firmly believe in this company is suggest to friends of ours, ones that invest, to do some of their own DD on it. I have received some positive comments from a couple of people. They are primarily concerned about being burned again.... told them to wait and watch the increased sales, shoot I even told my brother to drop 10k on it and I will guarantee his losses on both what he did not gain from what he sold plus what he may have lost on fire:ct. Cannabis is a hard sell to a lot of people these days; unfortunately as I have never believed so much in a stock before.... fire:ct long! I will get my muskoka cottage paid in full within the next 2 years...