APHA and Healthcare-related M&A activity Given that APHA produces medicinal cannabis and the CBD-infused creams have skin healing benefits, I think it could make a deal with Cipher Pharmaceuticals (CPH), which has a lot of expertise in many dermatological products.
For instance, CPH produces excellent creams for acne (i.e. its well-known Epuris has 41% market share in Canada), so CPH could make a topical ointment with medicinal cannabis for skin issues too.
or APHA could acquire CPH now because CPH is profitable and dirt-cheap trading just 1.4 times its EBITDA. Dirt-cheap.
And the thing is that CPH has many levers to pull for revenue growth in 2021 because it has many promising drugs in the pipeline with very positive clinical trials to-date. Just my two cents.