RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Sponsored posts on ACDC boardempress9 wrote:
"Sorry we are currently under construction"
That is correct . New , Fresh Website on the way . Bryson reads these boards . What do you want for 2,5 cents . I got in early at 2,5 cents as I like the risk/reward and I play long . A raise for funds to drill and a beauty float so all good Bryson is now flush with cash so dont be surprised if he makes a push on STMP and I,m banking on that . Posted plenty of info and will wait for results . And the Lithium link is there as well so bs with your fraud garbage . Yah and when it runs this summer with big results you and your bs will be long gone . Its my money , my call Byrson gets it done on STMP and if they hit Lithium huge bonus for both plays and hey a JV?? . So you can shove your fraud bs where the sun dont shine . I,ll take my chances with the Bryson connection and my D@D at 2.5 cents gracias . Huge benifits to hitting Lithium or Nickle or hell Gold , Silver as more money in Brysons pocket to buy more shares where his heart desires humm ??. Insider buying big always looks good to the retails motor mouth . Long ACDC .