RE:RE:RE:RE:24 Billion Dollar Company!LionWhisperer wrote: They are all the same boiler room Pachuko paid by the same whale to TROLL and spam every board on stockhouise that needs to be pumped or PP'ed..They are all garbage wreapped in skin and a burden on society...
Umm anything on the stock Empress ? lol. Same modis opperendi . Trolls And bashes and personnel bash grin . Wow those likes congrats LW lol. I prefer to make money . Skinless on all plays lolool. Suck the whale man . My picks have made you look very bad and will continue to do so.When your number One in likes and me and retails laugh at your bad choices its going to be EPIC . Yup all times HIGHS lmao . Us making money and LW at numba one . Humm . What would anybody pick on that choice ? Like this post and lets see who cares about Skinless and his Bs . Long ACDC