Value of the Ashram has increasd by +42% since the PEA 2012All the info below comes directly from CCE's corporate presentation and Chris Grove.
Ashram: REO Content
Pr: 5%
Nd: 18.6%
Tb: 0.2%
Dy: 0.9%
Approximately 91% of the REO value in the Ashram comes from these 4 magnet feed REEs
Prices used in the 2012 PEA
Pr: $59
Nd: $60
Tb: $764
Dy: $624
In terms of these 4 REE’s, and the prices received today from the Beijing based reporting service we subscribe to, Pr has gone from $66 per kilo to $73, Nd has gone from $90 per kilo to $105.00, Tb has gone from $1,369 to $1,524 and Dy has gone from $376 to $448. All prices in USD.
The total value of these 4 REEs based on 2012 prices = $21.25
21.25 = 5%*59 + 18.6%*60 + 0.2%*764 + 0.9%*624
The same 4 REEs based on current prices = $30.26 (+42%)
30.26 = 5%*73 + 18.6%*105 + 0.2%*1524 + 0.9%*448