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Tantalex Lithium Resources Corporation C.TTX

Alternate Symbol(s):  TTLXF

Tantalex Lithium Resources Corporation is a Canada-based exploration and development stage mining company. The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development and distribution of lithium, tin, tantalum and other high-tech mineral properties in Africa. It is focused on operating its TiTan tin and tantalum concentrate plant and developing its lithium assets in the prolific Manono area in the Democratic Republic of Congo; The Manono Lithium Tailings Project and the Pegmatite Corridor Exploration Program. The Manono Tailings project covers 105 million mt over 11 dumps, containing Lithium, Tin and Tantalum. The Pegmatite Corridor Exploration project is located southwest of Dathcom Mining with 269 million tons of measured and indicated resources, for which the pegmatite extends throughout its licenses 12447 and 12448.

CSE:TTX - Post by User

Post by Darkangelon Mar 03, 2021 2:11pm
Post# 32706578

Luvhorses , what's happening here !

Luvhorses , what's happening here !
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