My thinking I been thinking over these samples and lack of news about it and here is what I think...
I'm going to use a baseball analogy here.
baseball 9 inning game
some innings take longer to play then others.
for instance the score could be 6-4 after the first inning of which took and hour to play. Then the 2nd 3rd and 4th inning put together could take place in an hour.
i think hpq is in the first inning. Top of the first inning for that matter and things have been slowed for one reason or another but it'll work out very soon because of the better then anticipated results with the less then 100 nm spherical powders and wires. But I do believe that this first inning will end and maybe the second third and fourth inning all come together quicker the the first inning put together with samples, gen2, gen3, validation processes, hydrogen news, and maybe a few other positive news releases along the way.
just my feeling. I do wish the BT would say something but I think when he does say something it'll be a press release and the SP will sky rocket like a hydrogen bang of great porportions!!