RFK Jr who should be 1st pres of UN gov't that will never beor never be a constitutional world republic/democracy, one, but a tyrannical 24/7
AI and android and cyborg interface medical, spying and regulating everyone,
communism one.
Has it right at the 53 minute point of this interview of him. The crushing comments
includes concerning the democrat party too now that is communistic and has no
redeeming qualities and doesn't have our back, to return us to the straight and
narrow path of world constitutional UN republic/democacy gov't over the world.
That's long gone now!
As far as the Republicans go that never sees a problem in what corporations do,
their yahweh and jesus promotion, won't help us with that because jesus is
supposed to return angry and as rod of iron, in effect pope jesus and vatican
politburo, communism system over the world. So republicans are communists too
but religious promoting ones that won't do right by the US and world either. And
only have contempt for the US and are more than glad to see it go communistic
with no plans to undo that. Anything that furthers jesus reliigous communism over
the planet and dumbs us down to such bible stupidity again.
https://www.bing.com/search?FORM=INCOH2&PC=IFJ1&PTAG=ICO-c9d0fc87&q=jesus+comes+back+as+rod+of+iron What RFK jr has right who does have proper freedom and respect for the live forms
of the planet and ecosystems that sustains them, because he is a lawyer over those
matters and wins such rights all the time for the peoples, critters and ecosystens of
the planet.
Go to the 52.50 minute point of the interview to about the 63 minute point.