RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:I Am Strongly Intending This To Be My Last Post
I will say this to rs be careful with your reasoning, calling this a dog and shorting. This dog will bite your arm off. What you so braggingly made in shorting you will quickly lose as well as hell of a lot more. You want to play the shorting game because you think this company has nothing you keep telling yourself that. You think that the temporary so called bought publicity was this company's end game because it has nothing you keep telling yourself. You want to think that I am stupid to take calculated risks on this company which has nothing let us see this story is far from being written. I hope that you continue to short shares as much as I have not hidden the fact I am dead against it philosophically speaking because people who know what this company is will gobble up shares. I did and have 0 regrets doing so...I will wait things out it is not a question of if but when and inevitable. Do you think you will see the bite coming? I don't know you may or may not but just looking at how you are flouting your desire to win a debate and that you are so sure of yourself and that I lost I highly doubt it. You will not see it when it comes. But you go ahead short away think what you wish to project on this company and feel great that you what beat me in a debate as to in which way you saying this company has nothing had paid pumps is a dog sure if you say so!! All I will say is this lets see where things are through the rest of the year for starters. I find it extremely hard to believe and impossible for this company not to get one contract at some point and by the looks of it when it comes and on good authority by people in the group the contract is no longer just providing to an unknown and a lower share value what I am hearing and is becoming clear those who this company will provide to will be those who Qualcomm Arm and Nvidia will provide to. I know there is a lot of talk on the Nvidia Jetson chip/chip series and there seems to be word that there was an reorganization to move facilities from my understanding out of China to other countries which from my understanding may include Seol and Taiwan. The company is operating in Seoul I wonder why that is that they have that connection. Sure there is a lot of conjectures but these conjectures are based on the communities that this company is a part of something which as I last mentioned is not something that I think anyone can buy pay their way into. You just keep stuck convinced that the value of this company has come and gone on paid advertisement and pump and dump that is fine by me but don't say I didn't try to warn you that your thinking is all fallacious and will end up costing you lots of money when you and the rest of the shorters who don't catch on will be running around like chickens with your heads cut off when this dog finally takes a huge bite and chomps off your arms. It is not a question of if but when. I honestly will not like to be you. Sure those who are holding long has to put up with this pain for as long as things continue to keep moving forward but as far beaten down this has come the price jump not on paid anything but hard worked and earned efforts will be on the contracts this company gets from being part of the community. I have already told you about covid now I am telling you part of the slowdown as to my knowledge as to good authority has to do with things also moving out of China if I am understanding correctly. So beware. If you still want to think you won go ahead. If you think this is a dog with nothing but hot air that is fine by me. If you and the others who are shorting still want to knock yourselves out. If you think everyone holding long are the stupid and lovers no problem we shall see moving forward. Sure it has been a long time coming but I know that strong companies that nxo is partnered to will be looking to aggressively start to get back to getting things done because I am sure they will not to keep being 100s of millions in losses without selling product and drumming up business. Quite honestly the odds increasingly become in nxo favor not the other way around but what do I know you already won the debate made up your mind and see erroneously what you see and you will come to find this out and it will be a huge rude awakening something I sure would not want to find myself in. I will continue to bet on this and other holdings I am not like you who shorts and bets against company. If I find companies don't measure I sell and move on. I don't have time for the stupidity that apparently you do but to each their own. We will see how much of the dog this is no problem. I know you will remain jaded and that's cool do so at your own risk as I will do the same at mine...let time tell all things!!!