RE:With oil over $65.00 per barellI just want SU sp not to depend on oil prices so much..
Wynjoe wrote: This is a dream for all oil companies.Looking at the chart of Suncor,new investors are maybe waiting for a pullback in s/p that will never come,and at some point certain funds will have to concede ,that enough is enough,and jump on this severely undervalued oil play!!!Suncors s/p, is still in negative territory,(last year),and this is beyond incredible.If Suncor do not show maximum bought buyback shares in this last month,then there is something terribly wrong.We have less then a month left in the first quarter,2021,and a "dimwit",would even realize that Suncor is making cash ,way beyond any expectations,since the beginning of this year.I realize also that oilsands are out of favour,but making money is not.EXTREMELY STRONG BUY!!!