I Will Liken Richs Tone To Peters
from pyr. In one press release quite some time back Peter clearly stated something to the affect that it is frustrating/challenging waiting for things to pick up on your partners end when we are moving at lightning speed. If anyone has or had shares in pyr and happens to recall this news release it says it all. Despite the company pyr in this case being ready to do more they really couldnt as lot of their partners were testing the tech having to integrate it and possibly scale up and that led to long lag times where the company as through Peter's words drew frustration because they wanted things to move faster but it was not in his control it was just the way it was. Now to draw the parallel here I have been hearing on good authority that the company was hoping for faster collaborations with its partners as the strategy going forward is to simply continue to contribute it's part to the function of the chips. With production moving out of China again if I am understanding correctly and covid crippling a lot of the production capacity nexoptic finds itself in a waiting game to be tapped into and there is not much you can do about that. So in a parallel way Peter was very enthusiastic about going at things hard and felt the results would come faster but when they had not he put out that news release I talked about. Same way I liken Rich was very enthusiastic about getting things done but when the reality of how things began to unfold it will be enough to step back and realign with the reality of what you are working with and this is no fault to Rich anymore than it is to Peter or to pyr and nxo partners sometimes things just take a little longer then expected and desired and sure that is enough to create disappointment and frustration...even for CEO share people what do you expect they are human too. In any case, Richs tone is 100 percent understandable if you guys will pay more attention to how things work and the challenges that comes with them vs being overly caught up about the company hasnt done this and that this is all red flags they have nothing etc. That is furthest from the truth if the company didnt have anything just what the hell are they doing in Arm Qualcom and Nvidias page as a partner/contributor. Folks be realistic in how you view things and this company because when you do everything makes sense and you will know at the end of the day how hard it is working how hard it continues to do so and with that at the end of the day as it was for pyr reaping all the benefits of all that hard work so too it will be with nxo but you just have to wait. Like I said why dont we just wait to see where things are through this year and do so with an open and positive mind rather than a negative skeptical literally closed one?