POTENTIAL - REEF DEPOSIT ( my own assumption ) Would be interesting t oknow which way the Bonanza - 1800 ft x 60 ft - fallt runs -
And if it extends even further than 1800 ft - - the report iread said - they chased it as far
as they could - but... with exploration sometimes overburden hides the falut vein. 1800 ft was visiable without stripping.
So... are there any other feeder faults that may tie into this 1800 footer running towards Scad, or on Scad... if so.. .they could be connected.
If the Bonanza and Johnston tenures have the same fravtured breccia and grabbro with silicas - as Scadding - then... my #1 guess is... shallow reef deposit - from Wanapatei Lake to Scadding - running on a ( Wanapatei north west strike to south east Scad direction .
Shallow dig ( 51ft ) or 15.5 meters on Johnston revealed high grade gold - with showings of fractured breccia and gabbro. ( strongly supports boradcasted reef system )
It's been awhile since i've studied Scadding area - but...if the upper strata is consistent
with this fractured ore with in a silica quartz... then... all points to - Bonanza and Wanapatei washing the broken angular ores towards Scad - hence reef.
There's another reef depsoit north of, Thunder Bay.
Which makes this hypothesis - quite concievable.
That's all i've got. ( lol )