NIP to Matte: IMP what that means to Sherritt Researching costs to produce NIP is about 5$/lb, then to produce it to matte is an extra 2.50$
So just to break even, 7 to 7.5$/lb
-What I speculate in the Ni markets and trending. 7$ will be the new floor.
-Despite Sherritt cant compete with the the big players for volume and a diverse profile, what they do have is a secure material feed stock, proven finished product, R&D / technology.
-In the coming future it does look good for sherritt, if 7$ becomes the new floor(Yes, I’m aware of they are still heavy in the side debt, and the Cuban receivables).
Better than gambling on a product that one can may not produce or being involved in a new construction start up HPAL and getting to capacity, in that case way better for us