AGM QUESTIONS 1. Status of Branded Product lines
- 4 lines of infused lotions and CBD oils
- infused beers (Potluck Brewing)
- infused sport drinks
Are these in production? If not, why not? What are their production schedules, amount of production, distribution of products, sales outlets?, why is there no direct sales on Amazon (.ca or .com), are our products in retail shops nationwide?, if not-why not? Who is looking after getting these to market? Are they failing in their job?
2. Promotion of Company
-do we have a director of marketing? We can't afford to not have one. We need to be putting out a press release weekly. We need a spin doctor to put our name in the forefront of cannabis discussions. I am available if the job is vacant.
- WTF is the status of 50% ownership of JJ WOLF What is the real value of this arrangement. Is there a benefit to remain in this arrangement? Do we have our fingers in too many pies so we can't focus on core business?
4. Status of Delta
- no more wishy washy forecast. How much will be cultivated? Do we have buyers? If not, why not??
5. Status of Winnipeg
- news article of June 2020 management stated production could start right after licensing- licensing was granted in Dec. Still no production. Again- why not? We need firm dates, contracts ,distribution info, etc.
6. Status of London / Sanna
WTF again. What's going on in these facilities.
7. Management
-what successes has management had over last year.? What have they failed to complete? How many people on staff? What is everyone's position? Do we need better qualified staff to get the job done.
8. German connection
More information please. Are we supplying our own CBD oils and medical cannabis?
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