RE:FNC - Palace coupI'm torn on this one. The gryphon rant has many valid complaints. Fnc shareholders are getting the shaft and the mushroom treatment (kept in the dark and fed sh!t) again. Or still. It's more than a bit hypocritical for Peter to complain about disclosure, self serving, and non arms length issues. I remember years of having to check sedar because there were no press releases for quarterlies. No shareholder presentation updates. Even the md&a was a cut and paste quarter to quarter. There was zero IR effort. There was APQ that Peter STILL sits on the board of. What a colossal screwup that was. And then there was SX. That screw up came after he confided in me personally once that Sheldon "tried to steal the company". Millions wasted on magpie. CIA shares frittered away. I could go on. I am torn because the new gang appear to be worse to me. I have over many years given Peter the benefit of the doubt, not being as much of a slick CEO as a crusty stubborn old school mining guy more interested in projects than the stock. These new guys know way less about rocks than Peter but they have a frightening command of securities law weaknesses in Canada and how to exploit them for personal gain. This merger will undoubtedly benefit them exponentially more than FNC shareholders AND, it's only step one. There's more to come. There's Lots of properties for wheeling and dealing with friends in FNC they will soon have their hooks into. Who knows, maybe a few crumbs will spill onto fnc plates. I still dream CIA or some other legit company will step up.