Best opportunity among many mining companies....Over the years, I have bought a few mining stocks and have made money. I stayed away and only since March 2020 did I return and only to this company.
Why? Very strong management team with proven track records, very solid major shareholder base, a solid BOD and a palladium play with Copper (only since 2021 has copper taken off with a projection to 6$ by EOS).
When I first heard about GENM in December 2019, it was from a fellow sitting next to me on a Porter flight. At that time, I had absolutely no clue about this mining company. I did my DD and was immediately interested, I looked again and the stock was soon was running. I had no spare coin at the time December 2019, but luckily I was able to free up some and bought into GENM in March.
Since March 2020, I have only seen that this management team is executing and quickly. They do what they say, on time and on budget. Since last March, I have enlightened many family, friends and coworkers about this company. Of course, nobody had even heard of it. When they do their DD, they cannot believe what I stumbled upon. Yes, they all bought in and will hold their shares.
GENM is parked in my portfolio. I am very comfortable and confident with this company.
A big shout out to that fella that sat next to me on that flight, a great conversation about a GEM I had no clue about.