IS THIS A SURE THINGAt one time i had a sizeable stake in this company and thought it would do very well. Much to my chagrin this has not been the case and i now have zero shares. I continue to follow the performance on a daily basis for the opportunity to jump back in' but' believe it's never going to happen. Even played the day trader game. but. even that did not work due to lack of volume. My one question is how so many people have been sucked in knowing they never carry through on anything. NO INFO ON SALES OR IF THEY TRULY HAVE AN ASSMBLY LINE, IF THEY HAVE STAFF TO ASSEMBLE UNITS, IF THE HAVE A PLANT IN MEXICO, RESULTS OF TESTS EVEN THE RECENT WOODSTOCK, SALES IN INDIA, MEXICO, GERMANY ETC ETC. Only one stock comes close to this one and it was a complete fraud with one of the players commiting suicide by jumping out of a plane. Yet Bre-X minerals seemed a better stock then this baby. There are many other frauds ENRON AND BERNIE MADOFF That looked much better then this one. Face it this is a sure thing the stock is a scam. Too many unansered questions and/or information.