JOVAN COPPERHEADS and HURON LIME SINKHOLES Was just reading a former 43 101 on - Mac Donald claims. BMK - said they're drilling the Jovan 9km awayfrom the Scad.
Gold shows high grade intertecpets but - thin intercepts.
What does Jovan have that Scad doesn't ?
Jovan has seen channel cuts showing very high grade copper.
3% 5% 7% 9% 10% and in one incident 30%
To put it in perspective - some copper mines operate with a 1% copper.
Due to the minerla is sold per pound and notr per tonne.
What wil lMacDaddy find at Jovan ?
Did they drill those impressive channel samples that revealed high grade copper ?
Is this stock ready for a copper result ?\
Are shareholders in th eknow about copper and it's importance
with the EV secotr ?
Truth nbe told - i still have my mind in
But.. just today i came across the Jovan copper showings...
Copper is sitting over $4 per lb.
If a tonne of ore is 2200 lbs
Htypothetical - 6% copper = 132 lbs out of every tonne.
There's miners in B.C ..that entertain ..3% copper ( decimla infront of the 3 ) 1/3 of 1 percent.
Will the drills hit the copper ? Who knows... only time will tell.
Hopefully soon .
If theryt ever did find copper - i would be impressed with a 500m x 500m x 5m intercept
Especially if copper is $4 / pound.
Who has this stock held down - Larger player in Sudbury ?
Copper is quite popular in the metals space right now.
JOVAN - 43 101 Pages - 32 + 33 ( map and copper location of Jovan ) histroicals . Also... i've read a tad more on - west of Scad. There's been so little exploration done,
Nice gold showings at the ( powerline + south pit area )
And... one drill west of Scad....
Gold is still shallow - under 100m
Gold is still rich grade
Gold is still with nice intercepts / grabs.
I haven't a clue as to why - any of the juniors never furthered their exploration
west of Scad going north and south right ot bonanza - this is an anomaly unto
The Grenville fault could very well run right up into the Bonanza zone
and might have triggered the 1800 ft x 60 ft fissure.
One map shows a huge alkai resitivity and the gold is known to run in the alkais.
If Johnston ( himself ) found rich grade gold in the breccia limes at 51ft down...
One has to place oneself in thier shoes... Most miners think of sulphide depsoits.
I truly think they were not intune with a potnetial - lime crust blanketed bed -
if the ocean ever ddi come in form the great lakes - and ran upto Wanapitei
Quite plausable - intrusion of lime water would leave behind a blanketed lime formation.
Dips and valleys filling from 1m to perhaps over 15m in thick lime beds...
In my novice opinion - i think most abandoned the area too focused on deposit deep gold.
Rather than a blanketed sprawl of gold.
if any of Mac Donalds Geologists read the boards - they're gonna want to read trhis next piece.
Here's a current articvle from 2020 - speaking about lime beds at bottom of, Lake Huron.
= There's the lime connective. Just as i suspected all along. Sink holes spouting off limes and water...
Which makes one wonder if pipes could blow thier limewaters in connectrive pipes
inland... kind of like the Bonanza anomaly.
One map shows a major alkai resistivity all around Bonanza.
Or.. Huron came inland right into Wanapetei depositing lime beds with gold ?.
ARTICLE MENTIONS... Lake Huron sits on a layer of 400-million-year-old limestone – the remnants of an ancient seabed. Groundwater runs vertically under the lake and pushes through the limestone, making deep, underwater sinkholes, said Steve Ruberg, a researcher with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, which leads the research that begins this August. The project includes scientists from across Michigan and Wisconsin. LINK -