RE:RE:RE:QUELLE BELLE HYPOCRISIEMuch more smart than being hypocritical...the answer is obvious to me..
Now the Bombardier can stick to what they do best but had to learn it the hard. way as I have concluded.
Those who thought that they could run amock playing in someone else's sand box certainly were naive as we all have learnt, capitalistic commercial freedom is only available to those that can afford it...BBD certainly could not !
tinou wrote: It is hard sometimes to remain objective in our thinking especially when the heart ($$!) gets into play. Here are a few reasons I see as to why Government of Quebec is playing it like that:
1) Quebec also has a heart ($$!). Who wants to invest money to try to save a dead duck. Without Alsthom buying BBD, that is what BBD would have become fairly quickly)
2) Quebec also has a heart ($$!). They now own a big chunk of Alsthom shares.
3) Quebec is building a bridge for La Pocatiere between ending Mtl subway contract and next contracts
4) Quebec has a major project on the go with the REM and guess who will be manufacturing the trains? Alsthom.
Is Quebec hypocrit or smart?