RE:I am new and put in $50K @ $1.35 last week Finally some sane words. The numbers are not adding up for market cap. Enjoy your share of little amounts here and there. What are we now?
$1.00 a litre to produce and de sulphate being storage and shipping? Also Sitting right on top of a stockpile of railway ties loaded with creosote. Easy picking there. Wait until feed stock becomes of lesser quality and farther out. Ha
Wheres Delaney when you need him to pump this hard?
catchascatchcan wrote: It then tanked to half that in the following two days. Poor timing no doubt, but can't go backwards. In defence of those skeptical, It's a great story at this point, full of potential, but still at the story phase in fairness. The execution risk is very real. Signing deals is easy, doing work is hard. That said I do believe that the potential greatly off-sets the risk. Proving out the existing facility is what will truly de-risk the play and move the stock in the short-medium term. Safe, steady, reliable production at Aldersyde will be the foundation of any future appreciation. The JV deals etc are very well structured, but as others have mentioned, based entirely on another entity's ability to fund which is unknown. Major capital is required to build out the plans, whether someone else's or ours. Then there's the execution risk of the build out etc. All that said, I think this is a compelling risk/reward scenario and I'm all to willing to watch it unfold over the next 18-36 months. We will know alot quicker though, if we actually have a company here, or simply the promise of one ~6months. If they prove out the Aldersyde facility, I will happily double down at a higher price. GLTA and here's to making bank.