Welcome those from ABMLIf you have joined us on the winning team welcome aboard maybe this time you should actually do some DD and read up on American Manganese website / listen to podcasts as what comes from the company is legit anything regarding rumours is complete bs. Amy is transparent and a wicked company if you scroll back on the ABML board back when they dropped to 3.98 I did my DD and realized it was nothing more than a scam atleast in my opinion anyways... I suggested in the post I made on ABML message board here on stock house that those who didn't know should read the investors relations page and certain documents ABML had to release which in my eyes basically said we suck and you could lose your entire investment as they had 0 patents and their process was a mix of trade secrets that they couldn't patent and that other companies might already have patents which could lead to a low suit against ABML it was all there in black and white just had to do the DD..... please if you are going to invest in AMY don't bring hate from ABML this is an awesome company and Larry is the man. However do not invest in this company if you are not even aware of what it is that AMY is and has accomplished... you will just end up selling out and losing money when shorts shake the trees... I personally would also rather see AMY bought by strong hands such as mine and if that takes awhile to bring the sp to all time highs even better ! More times to accumulate.
if you are a true investor who has done the DD on AMY welcome aboard we are happy to have you and itl be great to see new opinions and ideas. Remember to message Larry and tell
him he is the man as he is going to make us all a lot of money in due time.