RE:Cielo's Progressyou make some good points here, thanks Sam2100...
sam2100 wrote:
-They have produced a large amount of diesel which has been sold on the condition of 15 ppm sulphur
-They have successfully implemented their cooling process, ahead of schedule
-Larger scale desulphurization process was successful to 5 ppm (better than expected)
-Are in the process of fabricating their automated desulphurization plant equipment
-They have collaborated with the U of Calgary faculty. The U of Calgary are world leaders in relation to carbon based fuels (understatement here)
-They have signed JV's and the partner has given them real dough
-The company has very good finances (with the recent funding)
-TAM is seriously large and in the most eco friendly world wide environment
-Only modest insider selling. The CEO has 23.5 million shares. He could have easily sold the majority of his shares during this stock price run
-Don Allan seems like a really good guy
-Their technology has not been fully proven but it is continually being derisked.
Positve and Negative
-"They're an overnight success...........that has taken $75 million and 16 1/2 years.............."
Negative since it has taken a while to get here. Positive in the sense that we would not be buying this stock at this price or lower, if they had been successful, years ago................