more pieces of the puzzle have fallen in placein previous presentations, PGX Y-BG did not cause an inflammatory response vs. spray dried Y-BG, that was a comment given and there was no data to back it up
slide 23 in the virtual presentation (March 21 Investor's presentation does not have all the slides) showed how PGX-YBG does not give a stimulatory (inflammatory) effect on hTLR2/4 but zymosan (glucan found in yeast)
this additional data supports how Y-BG could be used as a stand alone inhalable therapeutic and gets us that much closer to being a biopharma company
what I see as news flow for the next few months;
Q4 results in April
phase 1 / 2 clinical studies initiated by April / May (any idea how long it would take to complete?)
efficacy study from UofA on alginate CoQ10 by June (2 month study and labs open mid-April),
this opens the door for the annoucement of a NCC commercial deal
lastly, the 3% penetration (10 year, 20% DCF) of the $1B Y-BG market (as an immune booster, much less valuable than an inhable therapeutic) alone gives a NPV of $100M to the company, which on 80M shares is approx. $1.25 in value
the purity of Y-BG should command a premium and create more demand, consider a 6% penetration of the market will add a NPV of $200M to the company or $2.50
the value of Y-BG as a therapeutic is something that Gilles is not willing to share at this time and will go it alone (no need to sell the farm), I question how long would it take to re-assemble the equipment and tweak it to "PGX standards" so some product can be produced first as a nutraceutical