RE:So to clarify And just to make sure you guys don't forget. I'll update you again tomorrow and the next day..on what both HIVE and BITF close at.
we will call it.. "The Bac0n Diaries" the below post will be considered post #1
Each Bac0n diaries post from here on out will follow a standard template.
historians are going to write books about me.. I'm like.. the banksy of Stockhouse.
*puffs cigar*
Bac0n wrote:
BITF = $6.30
HIVE = $5.04
BITF was selling for significantly less than HIVE when I started buying it and talking about it.
"HIVE has gone up 13374749%"
yeah hive went from 8 cents to 5 dollars... does this signal a strong company built on value to you guys? .. LOL..get a grip
BITF fundamentals blow HIVE away. BiTF makes 11 bitcoin a day.. HIVE mines 135 total all of last year..
But rather than share DD with mouth breathers I'll say this. Keep watching the price gap, BITF will continue to leave HIVE in the dust. Not because I say so, but because numbers don't lie. And unlike you guys. I read the numbers..
*sips scotch*