Anatomy of a Rai dealEven though the property, Heron Bay was shut, had been written down. Rai turned down 15 million US.
The district had to use expropriation tactics to close the deal at 32 million.
I have heard the NCIB got 400k and change of the block yesterday.
The remaining float is now negligble.
What is next, is likely a stink bid going private prior to a Glen Abbey Lpat ruling
I suggest we follow Rai's tactics and wait for an expropriation. (min, double the bid)
Don't let them trick us.
From the NSID minutes from last year
Nov 4 2020 Mr. Colon called the workshop to order at 4:00 p.m. Presentation and discussion of possible land acquisition for the conservation area located in the Heron Bay Golf Course.
SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Offer for Land Acquisition for Conservation Area Mr. Colon stated the next item is consideration of offer for land acquisition for conservation area. This would be a letter of intent to go to Club Link, owner of the Heron Bay Golf Course, in the amount of $100,000 per acre for approximately 150 acres or about $15 million. On MOTION by Ms. Solomon seconded by Mr. Vogel with all in favor Letter of Intent to Purchase the Heron Bay Golf Course from Club Link was approved and Staff was Authorized to Approach the General Purpose Governments to get their Support.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Manager 1. Authorization for Staff to Proceed with Exercising Eminent Domain Powers Regarding the Heron Bay Golf Course with Clublink US, LLC Pursuant to Chapter 2005-341, Section 9(1) and With Chapter(s) 73 and 74, Florida Statutes Mr. Colon stated Mr. Bellas prepared a memorandum on the overview of eminent domain process that was distributed to the board members prior to the meeting. On MOTION by Ms. Solomon seconded by Mr. Vogel with all in favor staff was authorized to proceed with exercising eminent domain powers regard the Heron Bay Golf Course with Clublink.