Would LBN choose a new home or 4 extra sockeye per year???There are 18,514 sockeye on average returning to the Morrison arm. However most of these sockeye spawn in the Morrison creek and then quickly head downstram to Lake Babine. The implication being that Morrison lake will have little effect on them.
Even if we say that there are half or 9,000 sockeye returning to Morrison lake, Tahlo creek which feeds into Morrison lake or to Tahlo lake, which runs into Tahlo creek, then the value of each fish would be astronomical.
Consider that there is at least $9 Billion in ore. With 9,000 fish, it could be argued that we are valuing each of these sockeye at $1 million each.
9,000 x $1 Million = $9 Billion
The painful process that BKM is going through is really absurd when one stops and looks at the big picture.
Many of you know that my mom and I have had our lives saved on separate occaisions by FN people. I have also lived on a reserve. I am also grateful for having sockeye be a staple in my diet for a decade. That said, $1 million per sockeye is just crazy. Even more crazy when the EAO said NO ADVERSE EVENTS.
Perhaps someone should ask LBN what one sockeye is worth to them?
Just LBN's share of the mineral taxes should be enough to build a lot of new homes. Would LBN prefer approx. 4 sockeye each year or would they prefer new homes? (9000 sockeye divided by 2500 LBN)
Perhaps I should switch my name to $1 Million salmon from $500,000 salmon?
It would be so nice if the BC gov could exercise just a tiny bit of common sense.