RE:Xbolt3388 - APHThe Aphria and Tilray merger is like taking two piles of sh!t and putting them together to make one big pile of sh!t.
They merged out of necessity not because it was a strategic business decision. The only reason Aph is doing well in Canada is because of advertising and packaging restrictions. Once the US or Mecico legalize, you will quickly discover your flawed investment. US and Mexico will not have the draconian advertising or packaging restrictions.
Aphria agreed to give up its name because of its corrupt past. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still just a pig.
Tilrays losses will drag down the results and it will become quickly apparent at the first quarterly report for this big pile of sh!t that it was a mistake.
Best of luck.
Positivelive1 wrote: Quit blowing your nose on this board! Canopy has lost about 4 billion dollars over the past 3 years!
The APH/TLRY merger will be the largest global company in the world! Now, this fact is interesting- this company actually knows how to get positive cash flow! Amazing isn't it!
Maybe your CEO should connect with Irwin of APH to find out how to generate revenue!
Have a nice day!