RE:SORRY MARSHALL, IT'S TIME... Can I assume that you assume that Marshall reads this board on a regular basis from which to pick up all participating shareholders views? Would it not be better to communicate directly? Just wondering!
MoreUpThanDown wrote: to explain the actions of our Chairman of the Board liquidating muliple millions of stock that he owned. I am a long, long time supporter and shareholder of DM and have always thought very highly of you and said so on this board; saying that I believed you to be a man of your word. Many here now question what is occurring. I realize you have exercised your options and not followed the same path of liquidating; in fact investing roughly over $400K for your over 2M options lately; so I see you are committed. However, as others have noted, it's time for an explanation. I have seen long time, well established members here who are now actually question this, and they don't second guess many of DM's moves. Marshall, you're losing the crowd here man, we're losing faith, and along with all that the stock price is losing. You said it yourself, judge us by our actions and our news releases. Help us to come to a good judgement and conclusion, please issue an NR to explain what is going on and please do so in short order. Help me help you and DM... Sincerely, MoreUpThanDown