OMG, I go up to the cottage for some R&R for a few days and come back to see the garbage and pumping and coordinated collusion to manipulate SNC market price on this board!!!

To the true investors on this board interested in this industry and SNC in particular, BE CAREFUL. As a recently retired engineer who actually got my first gig with SNC many moons ago, I can see through all the BS on this board especially from Gabriel and a few others. I used to have a soft spot for SNC because it was my first engineering gig and hence I started investing in the company back then and only recently unloaded my remaining shares as I do not trust this corrupt company anymore...they still have some strong divisions and Atkins is a good pick in the UK but if it was not for Liberal government and Quebec backing, this company would have been broken up and no longer exist...they are no longer a shining star in the industry and the SNC name is cancer now unfortunately. Look out if the Liberals lose...

If you're a novice investor looking for info on SNC, go to the SNC website investor info or speak with a financial advisor...don't believe all the hype here. Gabriel and others could be fake or real we don't know...when you announce your resume every time you post for credibility and say that you own more shares than senior management CEO and CFO combined..I question that and tend to read the BS posts for humor only. If Gabriel is real and actually did start buying recently 2019 as a greedy trader looking for a pop after last corruption episode, then he is a keep buying the falling knife of a weak company in the name of averaging down makes him an even bigger fool. Fools and their money.......he's pumping hard everyday ..all day...because he's stuck holding shares he regrets buying, the lost opportunities from holding these shares.

I am not long or short and don't watch the daily price movements but do hope that the shares rise for all of you longs. I'm sure there will be a bunch of nasty posts saying I'm short Yada yada as an auto-defence, I won't be responding..I'm not short and think that being short is a game that is better played by the big boys. Some of these hedge funds are pretty sharp and know the business and the financials well, the price of SNC is low and will stay in a low range with a few pops because it is a weak company, plain and simple. I might take a nibble in my RSP after the Q4-Year End disaster coming up or perhaps another corruption surprise???? ....with long term investing hopes for a takeover in this great industry. Good Luck, Rookie