RE:RE:NFG $$Maxdude... one good thing is that we are playing in a good speculative junior resource market. The traders are moving from one stock to the next, rumours are circulating throughout the internet about the next trading stock. SKYG is trading quietly right now and people are rebuilding positions. Over 100 M shares, yes 100M shares have already traded and the price just barely pushed over $0.20.... so, guess what, if SKYG hits anything to talk about near NFG or if they start pushing dirt around in Nevada, the traders will quickly move over to SKYG because there will be volume and price spreads, traders love this because of the opportunity to trade. I am hoping that one day soon, perhaps a few days, weeks or a month or two, there will be something to promote, so get ready if you are a speculators and take a big position here so you an trade along with the traders. Let's hope this all comes true. Options have been cut, there is money in the bank, and we are waiting for results, then the drills will start again. Patience is required if you want to make big money. Good Luck