Just to reiterate Just the facts Nobody can sh*t on me for poining out the facts. If somebody wants to refute facts, they are probably Republican. Two years ago today was a weekend, but the preceding Friday Xebec closed at $1.19. Xebec was beginning to emerge. Just under a year later, on February 19th, 2020, Xebec traded at a new high. $4.67. Everybody thought it was going to the moon. Then, less than a month later, on March 16th, 2020, Xebec traded as low as $1.74. It was all over. Finished. Done. Then, less than a year later, on January 18th, 2021, shares traded hands at $11.55. It's a slam-dunk. Riches! here we come! This is going nowhere but up! Today, 2 months later, it's trading at $4.25. I sure hope it survives. This stock will go to $20, before it gets to $30. When Xebec makes its low, it's not going to just sit there. A couple of days of strength will make the attitudes on this board change overnight.