RE:Did you see "the China Hustle " on netflixs .... whereby Trouble is once you have bought into one of these games your use of logic and sense of reality tend to disappear. The gift of the gifter is the ability to pull the wool over people's eyes and have them believe everything they say. the more the grifter talks the more they believe. The swampland sales game will always be around and will always work. You hear it in the blindl followers posting here that can't see this no matter how obvious it becomes. "Best products ever" Giant slayers" "Going to be worth Billions in just months"
At least the elixer salesman gave you a bottle of something. This is just a wensite with some pictures. no sales, no place to order products, no you tube of the factory, no inventory.... oh and the website crashed it was so busy. Really? But yes I belieeeve.....