Say it ain't so Alphaj
ok we disagree! To say you like start up who are debt laden to build a foundation? Dude....a broke company investing their "foundation" debt laden, has a down turn or disruption in their market, is fu$#ed man? A company sitting on ton of cash, has options and go buy another companies foundation... To say it would take Hive 10 years to enter and build a transition into A.I is also foolish and ignorant. Frank has his hand in all kinds of streams dude, is very future ORIENTATED, and sitting on cash in this market it wise. Down turns and companies struggling with Debt issues and the uncertainty of global markets with everything affecting world finances....which most are debt laden, individual and corporate alike, hive Storing cash right now placing then in A VERY GOOD POSITION! They can go buy the companies who have laid the foundations's that simple, BASIC ECONOMICS