RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Silence from RECOWhy is that so hard to believe. The drilling fluid in the well bore exerts a greater pressure than the formation and therefore there is no influx of formation fluid. The stick diagram of the well, at least in Alberta, must indicate anticipated pore pressures of every formation drilled through, but that is hardly indicative of the chances of fluid influx from the formation as long as the well remains overbalance (1 kg/m3 or 1000 kg/m3 overbalance will both prevent fluid influx the same amonut - but there are issues around severley overbalancing the drilling fluid). They are drilling with water based mud, to better facilitate logging and formation evaluation, so they definately want to keep any formation hydrocarbons out of the fluid. They're not putting their heads in the sand, they just don't have the education or information to know exactly what was found.
I've drilled many SAGD horizontal well pairs through 1500m (~4500 feet) of oil sands, and there is almost no sheen to the water based drilling fluid (you use encapsolators to prevent oil contamination and mud rings from occuring).
And no one should ever make suppositions based on human behavior!