RE:RE:RE:TEXANS POST......DISTURBING READHow much damage has been done ?
The other side of the medal is : how much good has been done ?
I mean : the change of CEO does not happen overnight .The people who make that happen are the people in ( real ) command!They do know what the CEO was hired for , and what he is doing...I believe M.Boddy did his job ( we will never know what is entailed , or how he did it ).And he cannot do what is needed in the next year or few years.All the pieces have been put together.Now someone with a different skill set is needed at the top.And that is most likely why a new CEO is at the helm of the ship.
The low share price at the moment is good for the people with the real power.They are going to convert the $20 MM ( plus accrued interest ...) convertible debenture into shares , at the market price that they like...BEFORE they start real sales.It is in their best interest to do so before sales start , from a TAX perspective .Every time a huge chunk of shares were "created" , it was preceded by a drop of the share price over a few weeks.You guys check...
The guys with real power control the "sales" , the marketting , because they have the contacts ( I wrote contacts , not contracts ) with the large customers; they are the same as for their vegetables , or their candies.They know how to produce and sell.They are skilled at that.But they were not skilled at dealing with "red tape".