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Quarterhill Inc T.QTRH

Alternate Symbol(s):  QTRHF | T.QTRH.DB

Quarterhill Inc. is a Canada-based company, which is engaged in providing of tolling and enforcement solutions in the intelligent transportation system (ITS) industry. The Company is focused on the acquisition, management and growth of companies that provide integrated, tolling and mobility systems and solutions to the ITS industry as well as its adjacent markets. The Company’s solutions include congestion charging, performance management, insights & analytics, analytics, toll interoperability, mobility marketplace, maintenance, e-screening, tire anomaly detection, multi-modal data, intersection management, and others. Its tolling includes roadside technologies, commerce and mobility platforms, audit and enforcement, and tolling services. Its safety and enforcement comprise commercial vehicles, automated enforcement, freight mobility, smart transportation, and data solutions. The Company’s wholly owned subsidiary is International Road Dynamics Inc.

TSX:QTRH - Post by User

Comment by shareholders1on Mar 18, 2021 7:58am
Post# 32824145

RE:RE:RE:RE:Insider buying!!

RE:RE:RE:RE:Insider buying!!At time shares were $3 they would have been in a blackout, so insiders could not have sold, even if wanted to.
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