There can be no doubt- This is an accretive deal for all shareholders including the largest holder, Mr. SPROTT.
- I think that is the ultimate consideration for most (if not all) of us.
-I am quit happy to have "The Beancounter" ( I use this pseudonym endearingly, others do not) help us make copious amounts of shekels.
-The old adage " It takes money to make money " is poignant.
-I personally did not have $ 5 million in my drawer to give to Tim for drilling .If I had I would have negotiated the best deal for me as Mr. Eric did.
-Hard dollars ,which Sokoman got ,offer no tax advantages like flow through dollars do. In simple terms , for a Canadian , Flow through investment functionally comes off Your income taxes at Your rate of taxability . A better than half price sale for Mr. Eric. This is the case for NFG financing.
- It is a rare occurence that a stock closes with the warrants in the money the same day the financing is announced.
-Thank You , Messieurs Froude and Sprott for endeavouring to make my life financially secure.
-The Best deals made are when both sides win, in this case, All shareholders win.
-These are my thoughts.