General opinionGI can see where a few are coming from...
Yes.. been there myself with rolls.
Not a fun game.
If it did occur.. .i'd be not impressed and i would prob walk away from stocks.
I'ts a fine balance of appeasing.
Junior is in the middle - they need funding to drill -
Those that have the funding don't want to dish out rhe capaital at higher prices.
Junior stuck in the middle and sometimes is forced to lean towards the funder.
Which wants to finance but in some cases, not at the going rate, or rate, it should be.
What's disturbing is...
I feel the drill results are pretty darn good.
But... Asks have been heavy, and as so, doesn't makeit a fair ball game.
The amount of shares traded - the sotck should have risen/
But.. even my own purchase - i watched the asks to see if i put a dent in it...
Nope... it remained the same.. then about an hour later they even increase.
It's like a never ending supply of asks.
Hard to know where all these shares are coming from - hope it's not a slushie kind.
You know - where thart really short midget runs around naked.
At the present amount of shares outstanding...
They could do 2 more dril lrounds ( $1 milllion per each ) and the stock could easily
absorb the extra shares to a 260/ million shares out - still reasonable.
If the - asks - are holding this down to force a lower pp then...
I won't be to happy. But.. maybe another is cashing out their shares ( insidere )
to supoort another drill round - we just don't know - right ?
Did Sprott and Ed not flip the last round of drilling - hello ?
Stocks are suppose to be about - if the junior hits the shiny metals the stock
should and must correlate accordingly. Now adays, this is not a 100% outcome.
But.. .there was a time not long ago- stocks that did hit the sweet spots did respond
and stocks rose in price... helluva lot higher than this GD penny game.
One only needs to go back 30 - 40 yrs and see how juniors did respond ot a single fril lhit.
some stocks were in the dollar range - which then points to - what changed ?
Well.. figure it out... if one controls the $$$$ they also control the junoos and the metals they seek. Imagine how easy it was backthen for a junior to dish a few million shsares out at $1 - $2 bucks ? That's right - it would only take a few million shasres...
Now.. the name of the game ?
Preasure the junior downward into penny land with good drill results.
It controls the metals in the gorund - and the junior.
The game has switched form investor support backing juniors to insitutional - third party
swaying trhe juniors and it becomes a triad game where all vyre against each other.
It's how i see it... But, every now and then... there are those juniors that remain loyal to their valued shareholders...
Just an opinion.
Take it - Leave it - Throw it away -