RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:One thing is clearIf I had any influence agenda here I would probably post a little more often don't you think? I pop in to remind people that sometimes things are what they appear to be and that there are sharks all over the place with agendas. I've seen some matching IP addresses here with different names, people have that info. At the end of the day I don't really care. Hopefully people are smart enough to trust their own research and not anything people post on this unmoderated board. Don't believe me, I don't care at all, just make sure you don't believe anyone else then. Shout out to BRIAN, topaeeker and the few others who are worth connecting with and listening too here. Happy investing.
canyousayiii wrote: I would like to correct you. This is not a scammer forum but a forum that has scammers. Just trying to see what information you are willing to share to determine if you are a scammer. You offered nothing except called this a scammer forum, so maybe that answers my question.
DD34 wrote: I know what I own and I know who is running the ship. This forum is irrelevant to me and everytime I look at it I wish the internet wasn't invented. This is a scammer forum only. The odd normal person that reads should have confidence that this investment is what you think it is and likely much bigger. Check ya
canyousayiii wrote: DD34, you are the opposite of whatsuppp fella or whatever. We are days away from a significant newsrelease. Time to shine, tell us something most of us don't know. I think we all believe the stock will be worth more, but when, or on basis of what reasonable sales numbers, no clue. Nobody has been tripping during the last couple of months that OES should have been producing with an available capacity of up to 10,000 montly units. More importantly, time for KNR to take opportunities to put some meat to its communication.